Policy Clinic
Implementing structural policy changes in society that address problems in our students’ communities.
What is it? A collective of people who analyze law-making authority, frame policy choices, draft policy alternatives and work with coalitions and policymakers to make change.
The key focus of the clinic will be legislators teaching students about policy development and implementation and helping to empower them to create for change in their communities.
What will we do?
The policy clinic will meet once a month. The high school students and young adults will work with researchers at various universities (Northwestern University, University of Chicago, Lewis University, City Colleges, etc.) to produce new knowledge that is disseminated through research articles, community exhibits, documentaries, etc. Students will learn about qualitative, quantitative, mixed-methods and big data research. They will also serve as co-authors on publications.
Why get involved?
For a chance to work with legislators from the Black and Latino Caucases, to learn about ways to create systemic change, and the opportunity to have your voice elevated!